About Us

Three years ago, Shelley, Neil and their son were involved in a serious vehicular collision. While the vehicle was spinning out of control, Shelley pulled their son from the back seat to the front seat. She saved his life, but damaged her spine in the process, causing her to become paralysed from the neck down.

After three years of medical care and sheer determination on Shelley’s part, she is on the road to recovery. However, she is still paralysed from the waist down, and therefore unable to walk. The last surgery was performed in March 2012, it is hoped this will allow her to walk again soon.

In the meantime however, the medical expenses have been mounting.....

It is in this vein that some former school mates got together, and formed a committee “Friends with a Cause” to host a Gala Dinner, which we anticipate will significantly reduce Shelley’s medical debt.

Shelley is a mother of three young children, and it is our hope that this venture will relieve her of the financial burden and hasten her recovery so she can re-join her family at home.
Please help us in our venture!

email: friendswithacause@gmail.com


  1. I did not know Shelly was in an accident. I'll keep in touch via Facebook and will definitely buy some tickets. Bless

  2. Thank you. You can join our FB page, or keep in touch here.
